We were very proud of Ms.Morrow’s – Ms. Stirling’s classes when they took to the stage to perform on Wednesday and Thursday night.
Despite a number of actors being struck down with the chicken pox, Ms. Jackson’s and Ms.Morrow’s class gave two fantastic performances of The Pied Piper of Hamelin. A special mention goes to Johnny Carbery who stood in as the Lord Mayor just hours before the dress rehearsal. His performance was second to none.
Ms. Stirling’s and Mr. McCullagh’s class rocked in their rendition of School of Rock. I picked up quite a few tips on how to be the perfect Principal from Lydia as Ms. Mullins. Hopefully Springdalers won’t follow Kevin’s advice as Dewey and begin planning ways in which to ‘Stick it to the Man!’
You can read more about the shows shortly on Abdul’s Blog.