Month: March 2018

School Photography Awards

Before Christmas, Ben Bernard, Conor Beadie Guerin and Louis Stephens were taking part in a photography module each Friday with Ms. Hogan and Mr. Vincent. They completed a number of photography projects, including finding the letters of their names in the school environment. It was then decided to enter the Irish Primary Schools Photography Awards. […]

Seachtain Na Gaeilge

Bhí an chraic againn ar scoil inniu. Thosaíomar le tionól agus bhí ceol iontach againn. Chan Rang 2&3 ‘An t-Amhrán Cupán’, sheinn Conor B.G. an feadóg stáin, chan Rang 3&4 ‘Ag Smaoineamh os Ard’ l’Ed Sheeran agus bhí dán ag Rang 5&6 dúinn. Bhí drumadóir iontach againn, Revd. Norman, agus sheinn Conor C. an ukulele. […]

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig!

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ó Rang a hAon! Seo muid ag ceiliúradh ar scoil inniu. Chaitheamar éadaí glasa, bhí céilí againn le Rang a Dó agus Rang a Trí, agus rinneamar na seamróga áille seo. Nach bhfuil siad go deas?

Are you smarter than a Springdaler!?

Last Friday night (9 March), parents, guardians and friends of Springdale gathered in the Cedar Lounge for our annual table quiz. Thanks to everyone who supported our school by attending and to those who donated raffle prizes. The evening was a great success and congratulations to the Casey family who were the overall winners of […]

Science Club on Tour

On the 20th of February the ‘After School Science Club’ went to the ‘Dead Zoo’ in Dublin. We saw various creatures such as birds, eels, crabs, small mammals, large mammals, skeletons and insects. We also saw underwater animal like fish, sharks and starfish. We were told the museum also has a piece of the moon […]