Mrs. Cahill decided to take a piano from a freecycle site for our school. For years,  we thought our old piano could not be tuned. When the new piano was delivered to the school, Ms. Cahill decided it could do with a polish. While polishing, she lifted the lid and found a sticker with the details for a piano tuner. She called the piano tuner, Anthony Woods, and arranged for him to come and tune the new piano. When Anthony came to see the new piano he discovered that he could fix the old piano too!

Anthony got to work and opened up the top of the old piano. To his surprise he discovered a signature that told him that the piano had been tuned by his father in 1968, the year he was born!

Now we have two pianos for all our budding pianists. Listen below to some cheerful tunes by students of Springdale.

                                           By Aoife & Sadie


Piano Piece 1

Piano Piece 2