There was great fun in Springdale National School last week while celebrating World Book Day 2025. As the week went on, more and more classes added to our fantastic displays in the school hall.

6th Class were joined by our Junior Infants for stories in the hall on Wednesday. It was great to see how easily our most senior pupils captivated their audience!

We began World Book Day on Thursday, 7th March, with a World Book Assembly introduced by our librarians, Conor, Killian, Katie and Saoirse. Each class then shared their World Book day piece with the rest of the school.

The rest of the day was spent quizzing our pupils from First Class onwards on their knowledge of books. Although it got very competitive in the gym hall, everyone had great fun showing off just how well read they are!

For more photos, you can watch our short WORLD BOOK DAY 2025 VIDEO BY CLICKING HERE.